Inhalt: Mission
Since 1994, the Figura Theater Festival has presented top-class productions from Switzerland and abroad every two years, including numerous Swiss premieres, in all theaters of Baden and Wettingen and in streets and squares ("Figura fuori").
Figura takes place every two years in June in all theatres in Baden and Wettingen as well as in public places.
Figura presents a top-class programme of select productions from the national and international puppet and object theatre scene.
Figura is mainly addressed to an adult audience, but also to families and school classes.
Figura, founded in 1992, is one of the most important festivals of its kind in German-speaking Switzerland and enjoys international acclaim.
Figura is one of the highlights in the cultural agenda of the Canton of Aargau.
Figura proves that contemporary puppet and object theatre is a highly unique and innovative art form.
Figura initiates a varied and creative exchange with puppet and object theatre and their current subject matters.
Figura actively promotes new theatre talents.