Sind wir Freunde?

Figura Famiglia
21. June 2024, 9.30 (Performance for school classes)
21. June 2024, 10.30 (Performance for school classes)
21. June 2024, 15.00
21. June 2024, 16.30
Familienzentrum Karussell

Duration 30 minutes
for all ages 4 and up

recommended price CHF 25

Theater Thalias Kompagnons (DE)

Using small, found objects, Tristan builds an entire world in which young and old alike are encouraged – in a light-hearted, funny and poetic way – to be open-minded and question the ordinary.

Idea and acting: Tristan Vogt / Director: Iwona Jera / Many thanks to Joachim Torbahn
